5/31/2003 12:11:00 AM   [ link ]

oh yeah, and the other thing that sucks about moving is when some jerk-off leaves a sofa in your new apartment that you don't have room to keep and so you arrange to sell it to someone but then when you try to move the sofa you discover that it is impossibly heavy and so you look inside it and discover that it is full of METAL because it is in fact a hide-a-bed and then you try to lift your end of it but fail so you end up standing around uselessly as your friend essentially bench presses it down each of three flights of stairs and all you can do is stand there saying inane things like "you're not going to die, are you?" and "I'm really sorry this is a hide-a-bed, I swear I didn't know" until finally you're unloading it from the uhaul and the indian guy that bought the sofa stabs himself on a nail sticking out from the bottom of it and starts bleeding all over it but at least you've gotten rid of the sofa and you never have to look at it again. the end.