4/03/2003 08:47:00 PM   [ link ]

ohmygod ohmygod ohmygod ohmygod

I'm totally going to grad school!! Here at Wash U. I get to work on this awesome awesome project that's gonna take the waveforms from polygraph tests, and design some smart hardware that can tell whether it's a "lying" waveform or a "truthtelling" waveform. Someone look at me with a straight face and tell me that's not the coolest thing ever. Then, a year from now, I'll plug you into my super-duper-hardware-enhanced-auto-detecting-polygraph machine and tell you that you're full of shit.

They're actually going to pay me to think about this, and play with it. iiiieeieeieieeieeiiiiiiiiieeeeeeee!!! I'm so happy, I'm giggliing! I'm so happy I can't even spell "giggling"!

No, really, I'm giggling uncontrollably. Someone please slap me, or I'm totally going to pass out from lack of oxygen.