10/29/2002 10:46:00 PM [ link ]
today is a Good day.
- I have been amazingly productive.
- I did extra credit in quantum. Now I feel smart.
- My 455 lab was supposed to take 4 weeks. It's 1 1/2 weeks early, and we're DONE!! Done done done! It all works!! I don't feel like typing the full number of exclamation points it would take to describe my sheer joy over this.
- "High school friend" from previous post randomly decided to Google my name yesterday. She finds this page, and lo and behold, I had just posted about her. We must have a psychic bond that causes us to think about each other at the same time. Yay for hearing from old friends! Alison = rockstar!
Now I must go exercise the Red Grading Pen of Power. 306 students, fear me! Muahahahaha.