6/03/2002 07:44:00 PM   [ link ]

I was going to post about wanting to cut my head off.

Or perhaps investing in a cyborg head that would not give me headaches that last for three days. Luckily, my headache is gone, so I do not need to go to such extreme measures. I apologize to anyone who was subjected to my irritability during that time. Now that the little gnome that lives on my shoulder has decided to play nice and stop stabbing me behind my right ear, I should be in a bit more normal temper. (I think he must have broken a pipe while he was at it, since my right eye would not stop watering for several hours last night.)

It feels good to be back to my normal self, even if that means I must fend off attacks from an army of small suction cups. It is all in a day's work for our brave heroine, Protector of Foreheads Everywhere from the Evil Suction Cup Militia.