8/26/2002 03:01:00 PM   [ link ]

My life is starting to fall into place. At least as far as the School Sector is concerned.

Class starts Wednesday. I am both ready for the change of pace and completely unprepared for it. I'm taking:

I will dance every day of the week. Whether I want to or not (as attendace is required).

I will TA one class (CS 306). Not my usual (EE 260). This breaks three semesters of tradition. I hope it will be fun.

I will not be working at the CEC helpdesk. I am probably happier about this than I should be.

I will make good grades this semester. (I had better, with only 3 real classes.)

So, yes. My school life is falling into place. Now if I could only get the Interpersonal Relationships Sector back on the right track...